Note that the only real 'vax issue' is not really about autism, or characters like Mccarthy, or even so-called anti-vaxxers. If you decline an epidural are you now a dangerous science-denying anti-epiduralist? The space is riddled with bad actors, but just think about how insane it is, that that is the level the discourse on this topic is at.
The real issue has to do with informed consent and infringing upon individuals in the name of collectivist ideals. This manipulative and abusive behavior that would never otherwise be tolerated in just about any other context is justified and encouraged from a place of fear and cultish group-think - not anything remotely resembling science or data.
It's completely upside down to gaslight someone who would rather not take a particular medical product/intervention as being anti-anything, as opposed to simply respecting their choice as would be expected anywhere else.
Great article. I would add that patients have personal experience, how the treatment affects outcome. Stories with multiple logical breakdowns just don’t stick.
My story : All my life I’ve been wondering what made me fat, why siblings and family were lean or only slightly overweight. Why me ? Why do I only gain, never lose ? We all ate the same (in our case, the difference was that I got near constant antibiotics treatments for many years after moving to a damp and dusty new brick house at age 2). I mean, why could hungry cavemen run instead of die. So, i thought of fasting. Why is it so bad, why are we alive today ? What is the effect of creation of supermarkets, and : if fat is stored for when food gets scarce, why am I hungry the day after a feast, etc. We eat ‘natural’. Something in there does not sit right with me but what ? Why does mom still want me to eat when I’m not hungry ? I won’t die between breakfast and noon. Why do I have friends at school who eat during every break, eat double my ration at lunch and they’re lean ? Why, why, why ?
I’ve lost a total of +-185 kg in my life time (64 now). Every time, after 24-30 kg, I would put on +- 17 kg in a matter of weeks, still religiously sticking to low calorie, severe hormonal mess, metabolism plummeted. Organs close to shutting down. 3 times, and doctors knew ! None of that low calorie Ever made any sense to me (grandpa was lean and he had a pan of bacon each morning !) but I still believed doctors and ‘science’ so I went along with it until I decided enough was enough. No longer. If the treatment of sports accidents had the same success rate as that of obesity, there would be general outcry ! I was completely done with weight loss, unless the story changed. It did.
With your ‘Etiology of Obesity’ for the first time I heard a narrative that matches my experience. I’ve lost 89 kg since, with relative ease.
Patients do think. Patients do have experience. Patients do listen to older generations. Mainstream doctors just avoid thinking for themselves. Same thing in many domains. People just do as they’re told.
Thank you dr. Fung. You are not only a great clinician, but your ethics too are top class. Respect.
Exactly this! --> "The very people who should be safe-guarding the public have sold them out."
"They are taking money from a cabal of insulin profiteers to deliver a biased, thinly disguised sales message at the behest of their pharmaceutical overlords." Dr. Fung, you are a hell of a great writer! This sentence is 🔥🔥.
Dr Jason, you are spot on. But it is not the individual doctor in front of us that we distrust… it is the standards of care that they are told to use, which are wholly untrustworthy because of the corruption you point out. I know that many family doctors are frustrated as hell that they have to comply with standards of care that they know are sub-optimal at best and dangerously wrong at worst. These doctors do need to rebel against the current appalling system. But it’s pretty hard to do that if your livelihood is at risk. The whole system needs root and branch reform. And the result will be a revolution in the general public’s health. It will also massively reduce Big Pharma’s profits.
An old mentality: Too many people believing anything/everything the Dr tells them...
Now, people can do some research themselves. And understand that much of a Drs 'new' information is coming from drug reps!!! They understand (or shd) that Drs are on the take!
So that the more common mentality now is not trusting any of them!!!!
At this point the amount of information(misinfo as defined by the predator class) available shows a thoroughly corrupted autocratic institution. The increasing involvement by the venture capital crowd will only push the accountability further downward. Pharma has transformed the “do no harm” cabal into a medical mafia. Alternative pathways for health care are developing and being an advocate for your own health by researching the literature(not the NEJM and JAMA crap) and collaborating with various support groups is our best chance.
I appreciate this for my own health. My cholesterol is borderline high and my (kind, young) doctor has been talking about statins. I actually have felt guilty for saying no, but my mother had a bad reaction to a statin medication and I am wary of it. My doctor is probably not getting money from big Pharma, but has been persuaded by experts she believes in. What a tangled approach to health care!
It’s too much top down whereby the top is the most corrupted as mentioned in this great article. Street level docs are economically hostage to the dictates of the overlords. Integrative and functional medicine seems to be a less co-opted branch however there are some isolated pockets of integrity left but they require extensive searching.
Spot on. I like to refer to the NNT number (number needed to treat) before taking any drug. Any number over 2 and I start to look at side effects to try to weigh up the issue. My preference is to use traditional medicines if possible.
Also try to remember that big pharma havw a habit od discovering a drug then creating a maeket for it.
High blood pressure used to be a side effect of aging. 100 plus your age was the mantra. Now anything over 120/80 is targeted. Stop eating sugar and go for a jog is a better way of dealing with it.
Statins are used to lower cholesterol which is suddenly the baddie for hesrt disease despite being absolutely essential for life. Lowering sugar intake and stopping smoking works better. Cholesterol is necessary for the nervous system to work amongst other things. I wonder why Parkinsons and demetia is on the rise.
Over and over again they medicalise poor diet and lifestyle or failing that just make something up.
I think that there are two major reasons for the increasing lack of public trust in the medical profession.
The first was the introduction of evidence based medicine. While this was initially felt to be a noble endeavor, it allowed pharma companies to hide and alter data. We could no longer rely on our own clinical lived experience and unless “proven in a double blind randomized controlled study”, any alternative viewpoint was immediately discredited.
The second is the Covid vaccine. All one had to do was to read the original Emergency use authorization by Health Canada to spot holes a mile wide in the reasoning for pushing the Vaxx.
Now that concepts such as line 1 retrotransposons, and vdj recombination have entered the vernacular, it is obvious that we have an ongoing and increasing problem in the Covid vaccinated. Our medical bodies (OMA, CPSO, etc) and physicians are still pushing these injections every chance they get. The "evidence" says Covid vaccines are safe and save lives. Our own lived experience says otherwise.
Upton Sinclair — 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'
Great post! I read your book on intermittent fasting a number of years ago, and it changed the way that I practiced. Before that Uffe Ravnskov wrote similar things in "The Cholesterol Myths". Here is my contribution: All about food as an addiction. Be Well.
Well written and interesting! Its little known, but I can assure that it is verifiably true, for the first ~150 years of its existence very robustly and then for the next ~40 years of its existence after that still strongly just less so, the USA used to have federalism, in both its checks and balances and decentralizing features, not just in politics, but also part and parcel with its politics in its scientific ecosystem(s)....
Doctors rely on funding from big pharma, often publishing articles that favor these. They may manipulate experiments and hide their interests behind so-called peer reviews. The entire medical system appears suspect of being compromised, collectively pretending to be neutral.
Absolutely not. It’s an ideology that lacks proof of concept in addition to a ludicrous protocol of one size fits all. Read Turtles all the Way Down as a primer.
He's clearly pro-vaccines, it's just that the doctors have made some silly mistakes, fix those pr errors and the world gets put to rights and jabs away 😆
Appreciate your content on many counts.
Note that the only real 'vax issue' is not really about autism, or characters like Mccarthy, or even so-called anti-vaxxers. If you decline an epidural are you now a dangerous science-denying anti-epiduralist? The space is riddled with bad actors, but just think about how insane it is, that that is the level the discourse on this topic is at.
The real issue has to do with informed consent and infringing upon individuals in the name of collectivist ideals. This manipulative and abusive behavior that would never otherwise be tolerated in just about any other context is justified and encouraged from a place of fear and cultish group-think - not anything remotely resembling science or data.
It's completely upside down to gaslight someone who would rather not take a particular medical product/intervention as being anti-anything, as opposed to simply respecting their choice as would be expected anywhere else.
Great article. I would add that patients have personal experience, how the treatment affects outcome. Stories with multiple logical breakdowns just don’t stick.
My story : All my life I’ve been wondering what made me fat, why siblings and family were lean or only slightly overweight. Why me ? Why do I only gain, never lose ? We all ate the same (in our case, the difference was that I got near constant antibiotics treatments for many years after moving to a damp and dusty new brick house at age 2). I mean, why could hungry cavemen run instead of die. So, i thought of fasting. Why is it so bad, why are we alive today ? What is the effect of creation of supermarkets, and : if fat is stored for when food gets scarce, why am I hungry the day after a feast, etc. We eat ‘natural’. Something in there does not sit right with me but what ? Why does mom still want me to eat when I’m not hungry ? I won’t die between breakfast and noon. Why do I have friends at school who eat during every break, eat double my ration at lunch and they’re lean ? Why, why, why ?
I’ve lost a total of +-185 kg in my life time (64 now). Every time, after 24-30 kg, I would put on +- 17 kg in a matter of weeks, still religiously sticking to low calorie, severe hormonal mess, metabolism plummeted. Organs close to shutting down. 3 times, and doctors knew ! None of that low calorie Ever made any sense to me (grandpa was lean and he had a pan of bacon each morning !) but I still believed doctors and ‘science’ so I went along with it until I decided enough was enough. No longer. If the treatment of sports accidents had the same success rate as that of obesity, there would be general outcry ! I was completely done with weight loss, unless the story changed. It did.
With your ‘Etiology of Obesity’ for the first time I heard a narrative that matches my experience. I’ve lost 89 kg since, with relative ease.
Patients do think. Patients do have experience. Patients do listen to older generations. Mainstream doctors just avoid thinking for themselves. Same thing in many domains. People just do as they’re told.
Thank you dr. Fung. You are not only a great clinician, but your ethics too are top class. Respect.
Exactly this! --> "The very people who should be safe-guarding the public have sold them out."
"They are taking money from a cabal of insulin profiteers to deliver a biased, thinly disguised sales message at the behest of their pharmaceutical overlords." Dr. Fung, you are a hell of a great writer! This sentence is 🔥🔥.
Thanks, Amy!
Dr Jason, you are spot on. But it is not the individual doctor in front of us that we distrust… it is the standards of care that they are told to use, which are wholly untrustworthy because of the corruption you point out. I know that many family doctors are frustrated as hell that they have to comply with standards of care that they know are sub-optimal at best and dangerously wrong at worst. These doctors do need to rebel against the current appalling system. But it’s pretty hard to do that if your livelihood is at risk. The whole system needs root and branch reform. And the result will be a revolution in the general public’s health. It will also massively reduce Big Pharma’s profits.
He's absolutely on point!!
An old mentality: Too many people believing anything/everything the Dr tells them...
Now, people can do some research themselves. And understand that much of a Drs 'new' information is coming from drug reps!!! They understand (or shd) that Drs are on the take!
So that the more common mentality now is not trusting any of them!!!!
At this point the amount of information(misinfo as defined by the predator class) available shows a thoroughly corrupted autocratic institution. The increasing involvement by the venture capital crowd will only push the accountability further downward. Pharma has transformed the “do no harm” cabal into a medical mafia. Alternative pathways for health care are developing and being an advocate for your own health by researching the literature(not the NEJM and JAMA crap) and collaborating with various support groups is our best chance.
I appreciate this for my own health. My cholesterol is borderline high and my (kind, young) doctor has been talking about statins. I actually have felt guilty for saying no, but my mother had a bad reaction to a statin medication and I am wary of it. My doctor is probably not getting money from big Pharma, but has been persuaded by experts she believes in. What a tangled approach to health care!
It’s too much top down whereby the top is the most corrupted as mentioned in this great article. Street level docs are economically hostage to the dictates of the overlords. Integrative and functional medicine seems to be a less co-opted branch however there are some isolated pockets of integrity left but they require extensive searching.
Spot on. I like to refer to the NNT number (number needed to treat) before taking any drug. Any number over 2 and I start to look at side effects to try to weigh up the issue. My preference is to use traditional medicines if possible.
Also try to remember that big pharma havw a habit od discovering a drug then creating a maeket for it.
High blood pressure used to be a side effect of aging. 100 plus your age was the mantra. Now anything over 120/80 is targeted. Stop eating sugar and go for a jog is a better way of dealing with it.
Statins are used to lower cholesterol which is suddenly the baddie for hesrt disease despite being absolutely essential for life. Lowering sugar intake and stopping smoking works better. Cholesterol is necessary for the nervous system to work amongst other things. I wonder why Parkinsons and demetia is on the rise.
Over and over again they medicalise poor diet and lifestyle or failing that just make something up.
I think that there are two major reasons for the increasing lack of public trust in the medical profession.
The first was the introduction of evidence based medicine. While this was initially felt to be a noble endeavor, it allowed pharma companies to hide and alter data. We could no longer rely on our own clinical lived experience and unless “proven in a double blind randomized controlled study”, any alternative viewpoint was immediately discredited.
The second is the Covid vaccine. All one had to do was to read the original Emergency use authorization by Health Canada to spot holes a mile wide in the reasoning for pushing the Vaxx.
Now that concepts such as line 1 retrotransposons, and vdj recombination have entered the vernacular, it is obvious that we have an ongoing and increasing problem in the Covid vaccinated. Our medical bodies (OMA, CPSO, etc) and physicians are still pushing these injections every chance they get. The "evidence" says Covid vaccines are safe and save lives. Our own lived experience says otherwise.
Upton Sinclair — 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'
I’m excited t have found you on a search regarding magnesium!
Great post! I read your book on intermittent fasting a number of years ago, and it changed the way that I practiced. Before that Uffe Ravnskov wrote similar things in "The Cholesterol Myths". Here is my contribution: All about food as an addiction. Be Well.
Well written and interesting! Its little known, but I can assure that it is verifiably true, for the first ~150 years of its existence very robustly and then for the next ~40 years of its existence after that still strongly just less so, the USA used to have federalism, in both its checks and balances and decentralizing features, not just in politics, but also part and parcel with its politics in its scientific ecosystem(s)....
Thank you Jason
Doctors rely on funding from big pharma, often publishing articles that favor these. They may manipulate experiments and hide their interests behind so-called peer reviews. The entire medical system appears suspect of being compromised, collectively pretending to be neutral.
Great article, but “FEWER deaths”, not “LESS deaths”. Also the link to the cholesterol hypothesis appears to be dead. I was keen to see that
Say if no doctors were on the take for administering vaccines, we should be all good with the vaccines?
I am reading a lengthy book on the discovery of the SV40 in the
Polio vaccine. Absolutely incredible the Level of deceit and unethical(criminal) behavior by the “expert” class.
Absolutely not. It’s an ideology that lacks proof of concept in addition to a ludicrous protocol of one size fits all. Read Turtles all the Way Down as a primer.
He's clearly pro-vaccines, it's just that the doctors have made some silly mistakes, fix those pr errors and the world gets put to rights and jabs away 😆
I'll see your turtles and raise by 'Can you catch a cold'