Does this mean that, as a non diabetic who has been low carb ( paleo but with dairy) for 8 yrs, I should not worry about my HbA1c creeping up to 5.7%?! I bought a keto-mojo meter and can see my waking glucose is around 6 mmol/L, going up to 6.8 during the morning (I thought the dawn phenomenon was supposed to be highest first thing?). It is unchanged after an hour dog walk hiking in the woods, but can go up to 8.1 after a heavy weightlifting session. It’s still 6 by the time I have my first meal at 2pm. Just prior to supper it’s around 5, goes up to 7 and then back to 5-6 after 2-3hrs. Ketones were 0.5 on normal 2 meal days but up to 1.1 with 24hr fast, up to 2-3 with 48hrs and 3-4 up to 72hr fast. Blood glucose steadily dropped with the 72hr fast, hitting a low of 3.2 during the 3rd day, but mostly being 4.2-4.4.

I am worried that having all this glucose sloshing around will damage my endothelia - but maybe that’s not the case according to these studies. I’m still concerned from an anti-cancer point of view. Is this physiological insulin resistance? I am overweight ( guessing my BMI is 26-27) but it’s all subcutaneous. I’ve put on weight due to overeating in an effort to increase my protein to try & build muscle. I think my increased dose of progesterone (as part of my HRT) has caused me to gain fat like when I was pregnant- surely this type of ‘physiological insulin resistance’ is not good for you?

In summary, so you’re not giving specific medical advice, does long term low carb/keto lead to physiological insulin resistance in everyone or only those people who overeat and gain weight?

Are higher than ‘desired’ glucose levels ok so long as the insulin is low? (My fasting insulin was 2 and glucose was 4 when taken at midday 5 yrs ago).

Does progesterone cause insulin resistance and is that undesirable unless you’re pregnant and needing to grow a baby?

Does overeating protein lead to raised glucose levels- and is that just on a per meal basis, or is it a longer lasting effect over the following days?


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Thank you AGAIN.

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😳😳. Wow. Thanks for sharing

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